The Red Mountain Finest Baseball Club is being put together with players who hope to play high school baseball for Red Mountain High School. The goal is to create a feeder team of high quality players ready to play for Red Mountain High School.

Next Practice

THURSDAY (March 17th) Hitting/pitching practice @4:00 @Red Mountain HS. Players can wear shorts and Cardinal t-shirt/Cap. Catcher’s bring practice pants and catcher’s gear

SATURDAY (March 19th) Practice from 8am-10:30am @Red Mountain HS. Wear GREY practice t-shirt with Black hat.

PRACTICE NEXT WEEK (Week of March 21st)

MONDAY (March 21st) 5:45-8:30pm @Red Mountain HS VARSITY Field

WEDNESDAY (March 23rd) Hitting practice. Time and place TBD.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Classic

This year's winter classic was played at Big League Dreams on day 1 and Snedigar Sports Complex on day 2.

Saturday's games were a win against the Tempe Thunder, 10-2, and a loss to the Scottsdale Toros 11-6.

Sunday at Snedigar unfortunately was a loss to the Chandler Bulldogs, 7-6.  The Finest did a great job almost tying this game after having a five run deficit.