The Red Mountain Finest Baseball Club is being put together with players who hope to play high school baseball for Red Mountain High School. The goal is to create a feeder team of high quality players ready to play for Red Mountain High School.

Next Practice

THURSDAY (March 17th) Hitting/pitching practice @4:00 @Red Mountain HS. Players can wear shorts and Cardinal t-shirt/Cap. Catcher’s bring practice pants and catcher’s gear

SATURDAY (March 19th) Practice from 8am-10:30am @Red Mountain HS. Wear GREY practice t-shirt with Black hat.

PRACTICE NEXT WEEK (Week of March 21st)

MONDAY (March 21st) 5:45-8:30pm @Red Mountain HS VARSITY Field

WEDNESDAY (March 23rd) Hitting practice. Time and place TBD.

Monday, October 11, 2010

USSSA Southwest Shootout

Last Saturday's game against the Tucson Cardinals was a hard fought win for the Finest.  The score was tied 5-5  going into the bottom of the 6th. Justin Jensen's great hit brought in the game winning RBI.  Final 6-5.

The second game of Saturday was against the Bulldogs. The Finest played hard and looked much better than previous weeks. Final Finest 10, Bulldogs, 1.

On Sunday, the Finest played the Ball Club at noon.  Winning this game was not required to get into the championship.  Seeding had already determined that.  This one ended a tie at 5-5.

Championship game at 2:00 on Sunday was against the Tucson Cardinals.  The Cardinals took an early lead and never looked back. Final Cardinals 10, Finest 0.

This was a good series for the team. The players and coaches seemed happy with the results.  The parents were happy seeing happy players and coaches. The weather was fantastic.  Thanks to all!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

USSSA Fall State Championships

Last weekend's tournament played the Finest against the Gators, Dirtbags, and the Drillers.  We are still having the basics mistakes, like poor throws, catches, fielding mistakes that allow the other teams to score runs.  The Gators are never an easy victory because they really can hit hard and deep.  Saturday's loss of 13-2 Gators shows how simple mistakes in fielding really cost us.

The second game on Saturday, against the Dirtbags was a loss at 10-6 but could have been a win.  Twice the Finest had bases loaded with only one out.  A nice hit from our team could have easily tied this one.

Sunday's loss against the Drillers was much closer, 3-2.